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Way of Beauty | Way of Sabbath

Last week in class we discovered more of Beauty—its character and its story—through the third line of the Lord’s Prayer: Hallowed be Thy Name. Pope Benedict, in his 2009 address to artists had this to say about beauty: “Indeed, an essential function of genuine beauty,...

The Beauty of a Name | Our Father…

In our Sunday School class, we are telling Beauty’s story through a deep line-by-line dive into the Lord’s Prayer. If you look carefully at the prayer Jesus taught his followers to pray, you might see it arcing into narrative form. There is character and setting, a...

A Meditation on Psalm 27

This week, I’ve been sharing how the medieval monastic culture approached reading and ‘memorializing’ Scripture. I’ve been practicing what I’ve learned from the medievals (or at least my understanding of it) and applying it to my own...

Going Medieval for Beauty’s Sake | Part Two

In Wednesday’s post, I shared with you the process medieval monastics used to read and remember the Scriptures. Discovering and studying the way of the medieval has been deeply satisfying, a gift and practice of delight in this particular season of living. You can go...