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Traveling in Spring

  One of the things I love about traveling to other parts of the country in fall and spring is seeing the way the seasons roll across the land east to west—like the sun, only slower. A few weekends ago I attended an arts conference in Colorado. I left Southwest...

Participating. A Good Friday Meditation

“It. Is. Finished.” The final set of lights in the sanctuary went black. The Book slammed shut. The congregation filed out of the sanctuary and left the church in complete silence. This is how my childhood church participated in Good Friday. I’m sure this is how they...

Signs of Life in the Dust

I can see it. For the past couple weeks, I’ve noticed the pointed shoots of green poking through last year’s decayed flowers, that littering my garden beds and back porch pots. I look out my windows and see the beginnings of rusty purple gauze lacing the bare branches...

Winds, a New Year, & Right-mindedness

Today the landscape out my front window is still and an icy shade of blue. The light coating of snow on the mountains has finally gone by the way (though, clearly not when I took the above picture, last week). According to my local news station’s weather app, by...