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Some Beautiful Resources

This post is simple. I’d like to share with you a small list of beautiful resources. Some of these I’ve been gleaning from for years now, some for only a few months or even days. I commend each one in different ways and for different reasons. You may not...

Participating. A Good Friday Meditation

“It. Is. Finished.” The final set of lights in the sanctuary went black. The Book slammed shut. The congregation filed out of the sanctuary and left the church in complete silence. This is how my childhood church participated in Good Friday. I’m sure this is how they...

Signs of Life in the Dust

I can see it. For the past couple weeks, I’ve noticed the pointed shoots of green poking through last year’s decayed flowers, that littering my garden beds and back porch pots. I look out my windows and see the beginnings of rusty purple gauze lacing the bare branches...