by Shari Dragovich | Nov 23, 2013 | Faith, Women's Issues
I walk from my suburban towards the red double doors of our church suddenly aware of what I am here to do. It is one of the great things about my life: I am usually too busy to contemplate any plunges I am taking until the step into abyss is upon me. And since I am...
by Shari Dragovich | Aug 9, 2013 | Faith, On Writing, Uncategorized, Women's Issues
If this blog is supposed to be about recording the moments of life then one would think I could post pages a day. I could. I should. But—and here is where the joke’s on me—I’m horrible at moment catching. I wake up each morning, before everyone else so I can have a...
by Shari Dragovich | Jul 6, 2013 | Home Front, Mothering, Ribbon Box, Women's Issues
I know a woman whose daughter came into her womanhood at too young an age. The girl’s body—so confused by its extreme malnutrition, lack of stability and absence of a father for much of her life’s early years—kicked into high gear and developed itself without regard...
by Shari Dragovich | May 16, 2012 | Bookmarks, Children's reading, Currently Reading, Faith, Mothering, Reviews, Women's Issues
I’m reading The Yearling to my children. The Pulitzer Prize winning novel by Marjorie Kennan Rawlings is set in the Florida scrub forests surrounding a poor yet sturdy family, the Baxters, living amongst an island of pines post Civil War. The story is written...
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