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The Weight of Snow

Snow is falling outside my window. Again. This is our second big snow this winter. Since moving to Roanoke, we have had at least one big snow a year. This year it appears we are having two. I like snow to a degree. It blankets the dead naked landscape with its...

On Fog, Monticello, & the Four Quartets

The past several mornings there has been a thick fog blanketing the valley. Monday morning from my back deck, I could see down my hill, and the mountains across the way, but in the expanse between us lie a fog so thick and flat it teased me with trying to walk across...

In the Aftermath of May

In May we bought a house. After years of building my dream home in my mind—with every move and every home that “isn’t how I would have…”—I am preparing to move into a home that isn’t how I would have…and make it my own. At the end of April, after yet another setback...

I am now the mother

Yesterday morning I realized why I am grateful to be back in the ‘old-fashioned’ way of church. I was one of two parents responsible for overseeing our teenage sons as they prepared sausage biscuits in the church kitchen for a youth group fundraiser. We had to be at...