A new website. Wow.
I hope I do well with it. For the past nine months (maybe more?) I’ve been working with a professional website designer (Thanks, Christian!) to create a new, “more official” website home where I can be visited online. I won’t lie. The whole process has been a bit excruciating. Not because my web designer was hard to work with—on the contrary! Or, because I wanted something fancy and complicated (I mean, please. Browse around. It’s pretty simple).
It was complicated because I struggle to see you, dear reader, through the flat glow of my computer screen. I also struggle with this idea of a “storefront” that—on its surface—seems to be all about me and showcasing my writing. But this isn’t my desire. This isn’t how I want this website to function. I don’t want this website to remain at the level of glowing computer screen. Rather, I truly hope we meet on my front porch (or maybe back porch, my front porch is rather puny still) and share time together. I hope to introduce you to, not my writing, rather the places and people I write about. I hope to share discoveries, wonderings…all the things.
At any rate. Welcome to my old, new home here in cyberspace. A ‘space’ I’m determined to cultivate into a ‘place’ of goodness and beauty and growth. A garden even; though I hope I do better with this garden than I do my actual garden. We’ll focus on my flower gardens. I do well with those.
Finally, if you haven’t signed up for my newsletter (sign up on my home page), I do encourage it. It’s one more way we can connect. My goal for the newsletter is monthly, one page’s worth of my writings and wanderings, all in one place for your own wandering spirit: new articles, blog posts, books I’m reading, resources I’m enjoying, and maybe wisdoms I’ve gained and can pass along to you. It will be a ribbon box of things; a seemingly random assortment of tangibles. But, you’ll probably soon discover common themes and threads: literary, community and place, foodways, faith, and, no doubt, wine.
Again, Welcome. I am so glad you’re here.
Let us raise a glass to connecting through cyberspace….And to making old endeavors new again.
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