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My Wandering Pen. Blog Thoughts.

"Not all those who wander are lost."

– J.R.R. Tolkein

My favorite photo of 2019

Happy 2020! I'm sure you've heard it, or read it or thought it a hundred times already this year, but here it is again: Time really is flying by. I remember ushering in the year 2000--a young 20-something, dewy new mama--thinking, "Gosh, imagine how old I'll be twenty...

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Coming Home to Children’s Literature

I am enrolled this fall in a children’s literature course at Hollins. I’ve been slowly picking my way through classes in Hollins MALS program: Masters of Arts and Liberal Studies. My focus is—shocking—all things literature. Immersing myself if children’s literature...

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Traveling in Spring

  One of the things I love about traveling to other parts of the country in fall and spring is seeing the way the seasons roll across the land east to west—like the sun, only slower. A few weekends ago I...

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Signs of Life in the Dust

I can see it. For the past couple weeks, I’ve noticed the pointed shoots of green poking through last year’s decayed flowers, that littering my garden beds and back porch pots. I look out my windows and see the beginnings of rusty purple gauze lacing the bare branches...

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